Friday, January 21, 2011

We Didn't Vote for Barak Bush

The appointment of Gene Sperling as the head of the National Economic Council is said to be part of the Obama administration's attempt to strik a more "business-friendly" pose. Sperling describes himself as a "pro-business progressive" who believes that "a rising tide raises all ships."

This "rising tide" nonesense should be dropped in the same hole as the stupidities of the 1980's like deely bobbers and movies that star Molly Ringwald. The policies advocated by Sperling, letting the rich do as they will, have brought us the mess were in: unemployment, underwated mortgages, declining services, and pollution, just to name a few. The only true progressive policies include holding the rich corporate interests accountable and force them to pay their fair share. There can be no such thing as a "pro-business progressive" than there can be a vegetarian piranha.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tucson Az Shooting

Deomcratic Congressperson Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson Arizona but is expected to recover. Federal Judge John Roll was killed in the attack. At least one other person was killed. Several were wounded details not yet clear. The shooter was Jared Lee Loughner an anti-government fanatic.

More details later.