Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mass Murder: An American Tradition?

I have to mention something in reference to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The incident, horrible as it was, wasn't the worst massacre at an American school. That would be the massacre at Bath Township, Michigan, which took place on May 18, 1927. The Bath Consolidated school was partly blown up killing 38 children and 6 adults and injured 58 people. The perpretrator was Andrew Kehoe, the disgruntled Treasurer of the School Board. Kehoe had previously killed his wife and blown up several buildings on his farm. After blowing up the school, Kehoe then blew up his own truck killing himself in the process.

I can't help think how many of these mass killers are apparently "normal" people who just "snap." Is there something wrong with america that we are producing so many people like that?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Sucks

It's the most annoying time of the year. Not only is the weather lousy in most of the country but the so called holidays make things worse. Everyone knows, and has known for a long time, that Christmas is just a commercial racket. The traffic, the crowds, and the store clerks are more obnoxious than ever.

Maybe Christmas should be like the Olympics, it should only come once every four years. In fact, it should only take place in one city. Then the rest of the world could have some peace and quiet.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Should We Invade Bermuda?

It turns out that Google has been avoiding paying some 2 billion dollars in taxes by moving money through Bermuda. Apple is another corporation that has been dodoging taxes. Even the right-wing government in the UK has accused Google, Amazon, and Starbucks of dodging taxes.

The thing I wonder about though. If money no longer consists of gold, silver or anything even tangible, if in fact it's all just electronic digits, then what is it all about? If money is now only electronic digits, then who decides what anybody gets or how rich or poor anybody is? Curioser and curioser.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gun Goons Show What They're Made Of

Just to keep the facts straight, on Dec. 1 2012 Jovan Belcher, linebacker fot the Kansas City Chiefs, shot and killed his girlfriend Kassandra Perkins. He then committed suicide. During Sunday Night's NFL game Bob Costas of NBC uttered a very simple truth: "Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it." This might be the best moment of Costas career as a broadcaster but the right wing media and the gun lobby have subjected him to a barrage of abuse.

The Gun Goons claim they need weapons to defend themselves from criminals and UN troops in black helicopters. In reality, the Gun Goons themselves are most likely to around killing their wives or girlfriends or co-workers when they finally go nuts. Anybody who is obssessed with guns is probably psychotic anyway.