Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Call Them For What They Are

Trump's decision to not speak at the NAACP convention should remove any doubt that he is a racist. Not that there was any doubt, considering how he spent years pandering to the "birthers." That was in addition to the hatred he aroused against all other minority groups.

Last Sunday 10 migrants suffocated to death in San Antonio, while locked in a trailer. That should give the lie to Trump's "border wall" notion. In fact, migrants are more likely to be victims. Building walls will do nothing to stop the organized crime of human trafficking.

Trump and his supporters are not only deplorable, they are despicable.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


New revelation from the 2016 campaign: Steve Bannon the thug like presence in the Trump White House, at one point called Paul Ryan a "limp dick motherfucker."

Senate GOPers are still trying to repeal "Obamacare." The new plan is to repeal now and give themselves two years to come up with a replacement. Of course they're not going to fix anything. If this goes through millions of people will lose access to healthcare. This in spite of the fact that the Senate plan is widely unpopular with most Americans.

The American political system can no longer be called democracy but has become kakistocracy; government by the worst people.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Trump's Legacy

With all the turmoil coming out of Washington, it's tempting to forget how messed up things are in the rest of the country. In West Goshen PA, a few weeks ago, 18 year old Bianca Roberson, an African American woman, was shot and killed and by a white named David Desper. Desper killed Roberson simply because she cut him off in traffic. Desper could be seen as an example of white privilege. White thugs who think they have the right to go about armed and killing anybody who pissed them off. These kinds of incidents have become increasingly common since Trump became President. However long Trump stays in the White House, his legacy will primarily be a wave of racist violence.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

GOPers Can't Shoot Straight

The GOPer Senate has apparently failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. After 7 years of railing against "Obamacare" the Gopers can't even get a workable alternative. That might sound like good news, for the moment. The Gopers can only think about cutting taxes on the rich and kicking people off Medicaid. In the middle of an opioid epidemic, they want to cut funding for substance abuse treatment. The best thing would be for the Gopers to just drop the whole thing. The problem with Gopers is that they don't even know when to let things drop.