Monday, October 30, 2017

Toward the Brink

The special counsel has indicted Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates on 12 counts including money laundering and tax evasion. At the same time George Papadapoulos, a former Trump campaign advisor, pleaded guilty to lying about his contacts with Russian officials. It is uncertain where things will go from here. Will Congressional Gopers continue to back Trump? Will Trump "pre-emptively" pardon Manafort? Will Trump still try to fire Robert Mueller?

This is no ordinary political scandal. This has the potential of a major constitutional crisis.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Trump's Bullshit Populism

Trump has been President for 9 months and he has no legislative accomplishment to show for it. His "infrastructure program" is out the window. His attempt to repeal the affordable care act failed. He might however have some legislation to point to. The GOPer congress has just passed a measure that would bar consumers from suing banks. Odd considering how Trump spent the campaign railing against the banks. It shows what his real agenda was. It also shows that he is a pathological liar. So much for his "populism."

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Catalonia Update

It seems that Puigdemont, the wannabe "liberator" of Catalonia is getting cold feet or something. Instead of declaring independence he says he wants to "negotiate." At the same time he is asking the European Union for help. The EU however doesn't seem to be interested. Even if they did, however, Catalonia would not become an independent nation but a satellite statelet like Slovenia or Montenegro. Puigdemont isn't George Washington or Thomas Jefferson but is more like Donald Trump: a demagogue who riled up his followers and led them off a cliff.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Trump Doctrine Sheds American Blood

In the insanity that is the Trump presidency one very important story got lost. Last week four American Special Forces were killed in Niger (not to be confused with Nigeria.) Why they were is not very clear. Supposedly, they were on a "training" mission. In war zones the difference between "training" and fighting often becomes blurred. Trump claims that his policy will not be based upon nation building but "killing terrorists." However, it seems that he is repeating the same over-aggressive policies as Bush II, and doing it in an even stupider way.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Perils of Secession Mania

There have recently been secessionist votes in two different areas--Kurdistan and Catalonia--which while different threaten to upset international politics. In Iraq, the possible break up of the country would bring the collapse of the American efforts since 2003. In Spain the possibility of real war in western Europe should concern everybody.

The question of nationality and statehood is complicated. It depends on the issues. If the questions are policy matters that could be resolved peacefully, then secessionism is not justified. Going to war just on emotion-- like the CSA or Biafra-- is never justified.