Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Trump Has Failed at Foreign Policy

North Korea has launched a new missile which it claims can hit all of the US. Can it really hit the US? Truth is we really don't want to know. This shows the failure of Trump's approach to foreign policy. Trump thought he could bluff and bluster North Korea into compliance. But the North Koreans called his bluff and now he has no response. Basically, Trump failed and the US is much less safe than a year ago.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Will Demos Enter the Post-Clinton Era?

Last week Democrats won the governorships in Virginia and New Jersey, and the also did better than expected in several state-wide races. It's good to see that Trumpism finally causing a backlash, in some of the more civilized parts of the country at any rate. However, anti-Goper sentiment will only go so far.

Monday, November 6, 2017

GOP Plan to Screw the Middle Class

Congressional GOP rolled out their tax plan, after much stumbling. The plan contains (big surprise) big tax for rich individuals and corporations. But it would also limit mortgage deductions and property tax deductions. It would also eliminate state and local tax deductions. It comes down to the GOP cutting taxes for the rich, at the expense of the middle class. Which shows what their real priorities are.