Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Trump's Great America Is In the Toilet

We are coming to the end of 2018 and thinks are really fubar.

*Three Americans were killed in Afghanistan. Trump's decision to re-escalate the war is only bringing more death and destruction.

*According to the Minneapolis Star Telegram(Farm Bankruptcies are on the Rise...,11/26//2018) 84 farms in the Midwest have filed for bankruptcy over the past two years. This is the result of Trump's tariff war with China and Canada

*Then there's the horror at the Tijuana-San Ysidro border. The gassing of immigrants, including children, was only the start. It's been revealed that Mariee Juarez, 19 months old, died in ICE custody. A 26 year old woman from Guatemala, whose name has not been revealed, died while trying to scale the border fence, fell, and was impaled on rebar. This is America's worst moment since the Selma riot of 1965.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Go Johnny Go!

Johnny Depp has become a target of the MeToofers because back in 2016 his ex-wife Amber Heard accused him of domestic violence. Accusations of domestic violence and child abuse are common in divorce proceedings. The MeToofers have now launched a campaign against Depp, especially his latest movie "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald." Too no avail, since "Fantastic Beasts" has grossed $265.7 million worldwide according to Box Office Mojo. Has anybody noticed that the tactics of the MeToofers resemble those of the McCarthyites? It's time we stopped being intimidated by those morons.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Trump: The Big Chickenshit

Trump's recent trip to Europe was an embarrassment. He refused to visit the American cemetery at Aisne-Marne because he was afraid of the rain. Throughout the entire visit he looked like a guy who crashed a party only to find it was full of people who don't like him. During a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, he stood looking glum with his tie flapping. Maybe his big fat gut doesn't allow him to close his jacket. He only lightened up when Vladimir Putin showed up. Trump's man crush on Putin has gone from weird to creepy.

Trump, instead of restoring American greatness, has made America seem isolated and weak.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Mountain Labored and Brought Forth a Mouse

The famous aphorism, which dates to Aesop's fables, refers to situations where maximum efforts yield minimal results. That is the best description of the midterm elections where the Democrats barely took control of the White House. The GOP actually gained a seat in the Senate. The Dems couldn't even match their performance in 2006. There are 2 obvious reasons.

1). The Democratic leadership consists of people--Pelosi, Schumer--who came of age of ages in the sixties and seventies and are hopelessly out of touch with the modern world. The accounts for the failures of the Dems; poor messaging, no strategy, etc.

2). The Dems embrace of #MeToo rebounded against them. The MeToofers, by their stupid tactics, did a much better job of riling up the GOP base than even Trump himself.

The Democratic House may be able to thwart Trump's agenda(the Border wall, or his attempt to overthrow the 14th amendment.) At this point divided government is the "best" we can hope for.