Thursday, August 22, 2019

Enough With Woodstock Already!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of another annoying event: Woodstock. Supposedly it was a great thing for a bunch of hippies to take drugs and wallow naked in the mud. I suppose if you like mud (I don't). The original Woodstock was actually a bust that lost its investment. Woodstock was also the beginning of the end of the counterculture. Four months later the Altamont Free Concert degenerated into a nightmare of violence and the "good vibes" were gone.

Woodstock was turned into a quasi-myth, a kind of obsession. In the early eighties Steve Wozniak put on the Us festivals which only lasted for a couple of years--because they were money losers. The 1999 Woodstock festival turned more into a redo of Altamont. There was an attempt to do a Woodstock 50th anniversary but the whole thing fizzled. Maybe it's a sign to let the whole Woodstock myth go.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Susan Saranadon is Still Stupid

Susan Sarandon, at a rally for Bernie Sanders, referred to Elizabeth Warren as a "republican." This is rich considering the despicable role that Sarandon played during the election of 2016. Sarandon is typical of the ultra-leftists who convinced themselves that Hillary Clinton was somehow a greater evil than Donald Trump. People like that really are stupid. You have to wonder about Sanders himself, whether associating with Sarandon reflects badly on him.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Immigration & Customs Enforement: Are They Stupid or Evil?

Last week ICE raided several businesses in Mississippi. They didn't catch any actual criminals. Just people working at jobs that Americans don't want. A publicity stunt most likely. Though they had a negative impact on several families.

Just to show what ICE has been doing. Jimmy Aldaoud, a Michigan man, was departed back to Iraq even though he wasn't born in Iraq. Aldaoud, was actually born in Greece. Aldaoud suffered from diabetes and schizophrenia. Aldaoud died in Iraq because he couldn't get medication. He was a victim of Trump's "toughness."

So are the morons at Immigration and Customs enforcement stupid or are they evil? Maybe they're both at the same time.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Yes, It Is Trump's Fault

This Saturday, August 3 2019, there was a massacre at a Walmart in El Paso Texas. Twenty people were killed and 26 injured. The shooter was a 21 year old white male from Allen Texas, a suburb of Dallas. The shooter deliberately targeted Hispanics and said so on a "manifesto" he posted.

I would go to the particular Walmart with my mother. She would fill her prescriptions at the pharmacy before she passed away in 2014.

These shootings have become more frequent since Donald Trump became President. According to Susan Miller at USA Today there have 250 mass shootings this year in 215 days. Trump himself keeps riling up racism and xenophobia while opposing any attempt at gun control. Trump not only has blood on his hands, he's got it all over himself.