Friday, March 26, 2010

Tea Party Shows True "Colors"

Last week's drama over the Healthcare reform bill culminated in mob scenes outside the Capitol, with the "Tea Party" hooligans shouting racial and homophobic slurs against Democratic members of Congress. That confirms reports of racist and scenes at other "Tea" gatherings, which also tend to draw anti-immigrant and racist elements.

Who are these "Tea Partiers?" I try to be charitable to these people, telling myself they are simply ignorant & misinformed. However, their resort to violence seems to show they are another mutation of the racist, xenophobic yokel element. These people have convinced themselves that they are "The real Americans." In fact they are they are the worst in America.
Nothing is more dangerous than an ignoramus with a cause.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sarah Palin Is a Big Fat Phony

Sarah Palin now admits that her family once sneaked across the border for health care. I guess they weren't worried about "death panels," or any of that stuff. Is Palin a liar or an ignoramus? Maybe a little of both. In order to be a Republican pol these days you have to pander to an ignorant, opinionated mob of yokels.

Aren't these people worried about something called hypocrisy? Or are their minds too small to grasp the concept of cognitive dissonance? I think by now we should have learned the dangers of entrusting the country to "folksy" dingbats.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The week in Review

Welcome to the Monopoly of Truth, a voice of sanity against a public discourse dominated by corporate hacks, shock jocks, and ignoramuses. This will be a weekly review of the real issues, not gossip or "horse races."

*Karl Rove now says he is "proud" the Bush administration used waterboarding.
Guess that shows that Rove is not only a pathological liar and a conniving sleazebag but possibly a psychopath as well.

*The healthcare reform process has become a tortured mess that nobody can make any sense of. Latest news is that they've decided to drop the public option, although without a public option they can't say they've reformed anything. More on this in a later post.

*If healthcare reform does fail it will be as much the fault of the Congress as well as the Obama administration. The real fault lies with the Senate where everything got tied up in knots. This has certainly destroyed the image we have of the Senate as an august body where sober statespersons debate the nation's problems. Instead, it is more like a condominium committee where it's all about who knows whom, who likes whom, and who gets which parking space.

The week in Review