Friday, March 12, 2010

The week in Review

Welcome to the Monopoly of Truth, a voice of sanity against a public discourse dominated by corporate hacks, shock jocks, and ignoramuses. This will be a weekly review of the real issues, not gossip or "horse races."

*Karl Rove now says he is "proud" the Bush administration used waterboarding.
Guess that shows that Rove is not only a pathological liar and a conniving sleazebag but possibly a psychopath as well.

*The healthcare reform process has become a tortured mess that nobody can make any sense of. Latest news is that they've decided to drop the public option, although without a public option they can't say they've reformed anything. More on this in a later post.

*If healthcare reform does fail it will be as much the fault of the Congress as well as the Obama administration. The real fault lies with the Senate where everything got tied up in knots. This has certainly destroyed the image we have of the Senate as an august body where sober statespersons debate the nation's problems. Instead, it is more like a condominium committee where it's all about who knows whom, who likes whom, and who gets which parking space.

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