Friday, June 4, 2010

The Abominable Dr. Paul

When looking at Rand Paul, the golden boy of the tea party, one question comes to mind: how could someone that stupid get into medical school? He continues to tie himself in knots explaining why he's both for and against the civil rights act, and how he doesn't have a problem with racial discrimination and yet at the same time he thinks racism is wrong. It's clear that he has a problem with Black people, though he should at least have the sense to hide it. That's a big component of politics; sometimes you have to work with people you don't like.

He's also an anti-abortion fanatic, who believes that life begins at conception. How can anyone with any medical knowledge can believe that garbage is a mystery. And let's not forget his spirited defense of BP and it's appalling safety record. Paul is supposedly an ophthalmologist but he needs to get his own vision checked.

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