Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stupidity Isn't Cool

The Tea Party has produced a grotesque spectacle of kooks, crackpots, and ignoramuses a fair example of which is Christine O'Donnell, the Repub candidate for the Senate seat in Delaware. This odd person with a checkered history--she attended Fairleigh Dickinson University but didn't get a degree until 2004 apparently because of unpaid tuition bills-- suddenly became a "commentator" on the right-wing media circuit. Her only qualification being that she bears a physical resemblance to Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

O'Donnell has the ability to maintain a straight face while uttering the most stupid right0-wing trash; that masturbation is a "sin" and that evolution is a "myth." The most recent debate with Democrat Chris Coons O'Donnell showed her utter ignorance of the Constitution. One can't help but wonder if O'Donnell has even read the Constitution.

It is a mystery how anyone can say such stupid things in public and not feel ashamed. Maybe it all started with Rush Limbaugh, who has no shame about saying things that are not only false but stupid, but still he continues to blather on like an ignorant idiot. The stance of the contemporary Right might be summed up as "Say it loud I'm stupid and proud!" Of course their hero was GWB who never passed up a chance to show his contempt for knowledge and education.

I think its time that we as a nation stop rewarding people for being stupid. It might seem funny, but we must never thing it admirable.

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