Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sarah Palin Stinks Out the Joint

The odd thing about Sarah Palin, despite her supposed popularity, is how she clashes with so many Conservative women--Peggy Noonan, Barbara Bush, Christine Todd Whitman--the very people whose support she would need to get the Republican nomination in 2012. But that's a common problem with many "Tea Partiers" they not only lack political wisdom but many of them seem to lack basic social skills as well. It seems that Palin can't deal with people on an interpersonal level, and would rather maintain a "keep your distance" posture in regards to her fans, who sit rapt while she goes into her gaseous rhapsodies.

Could she then launch an independent bid for the Presidency? Perhaps, but it's important to remember the hundreds of millions of Americans who don't buy her stupid books or watch her idiotic tv show. It is not possible to launch a successful run for the Presidency just based on personal "charisma." George Wallace couldn't do it and he actually had a geographic base. Ross Perot and Ralph Nader couldn't do it and each in his own time was more highly respected than Palin is today. In the end Palin might not bother to run for the Presidency after all because she not only doesn't know anything about politics, she doesn't really care about politics. Palin is simply on an ego trip that allows her to receive the diva treatment.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Tea Party Is Dead

Yes, the Tea Party is dead. Maybe it will live on as a slogan into the 2012 election cycle. But what is dead is the idea of the Tea Party as an uprising of good hardworking Americans against "big government" and "socialism." Case in point is the Congressional Tea Party Caucus, who have actually voted themselves one billion dollars in earmarks. The Tea Party has basically become another special interest group who are against government spending--except for themselves.

Read the complete article at:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DeLay Goes Down

Tom Delay, the former Repub Congressional schemer, has been convicted of money laundering. Yay! He was convicted of moving $190,000 of corporate money to GOP congressional candidates. That's how the system works these days, big corporations can buy the legislative process. DeLay can be considered a political pimp, and the congressional GOP a bunch of whores.