Friday, June 10, 2011

Let's Talk About Who Gets Wealthy

Tim Pawlenty, the latest GOP fair haired boy, recently gave a speech outlining his economic program. Like all Repubs, his theory of economics consists of 2 words: tax cuts. The Repubs continue to believe that low taxes and low wages are a panacea for prosperity. If that were true, the economic collapse of 2007-2008 would not have happened. But arguing with Repubs is like arguing with members of the Flat Earth Society.

Palwenty defends his stance saying "This isn't about whether some people are going to get wealthier or not." Au contraire, it very much matter who wins and who loses. Palwenty, and the other Repubs, want to impose an economic plan who only benefits a small group of speculators who don't produce anything or even sell anything, but merely engage in elaborate gambling schemes. Palwenty is simply selling the same old "trickle down" nonsense.

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