Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Is This Really the End?

The stalemate over the national debt ceiling continues. What happens if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling by August 2? Will the dollar collapse? What about the world economy? There is a growing sense among economists that steep spending cuts, which Congressional Repubs want, would send the economy into recession.

Recently it has been suggested that the 14th amendment to the Constitution allows the President to raise the national debt limit on his own. Will Obama take it? I would if I were in his place.

For some reason I'm reminded of a stupid old movie called Endless Love.
It's about a guy who tried to reconcile with his ex-girlfriend by burning down her house. The thing about the Repubs, especially the Teabaggers, is that they say they want to cut the national debt, but their course of action might very well wreck the world economy. The Teabaggers are obssessed maniacs who have no idea what they are doing.

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