Thursday, December 1, 2011

Big Bad Mitt Romney

It turns out that Mitt Romney, the presumptive Repub nominee, has a checkered past specifically an arrest record. Back in 1981, Romney tried to launch a motorboat at a Massachussetts state park. Said boat, apparently lacked a registration number, and when a park ranger tried to give Romney a citation he bacame belligerent. The upshot was that Romney was arrested and handcuffed in bathing suit (too bad there was no Youtube back in '81). The charges were dropped but there's another little skeleton in Romney's closet dating back to the 1960's. Romney and his future wife Ann Davies apparently used blocks of ice to go sliding down the slopes of a golf course.

These might seem like trivial incidents but there are growing rumors that Romney, in spite of his cool cucumber public persona, actually has a very bad temper. But giving right-wing media bias we haven't heard much about it. Only a Repub, GWB, could've become President after spending his early life getting drunk and stumbling from one failed venture to another.

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