Friday, January 13, 2012

The GOP Leadership Defecit

It seems that Mitt "I Like To Fire People" Romney has virtually locked up the GOP nomination for President. His narrow win in Iowa and New Hampshire have given him the momentum. The other contenders--Gingrich, Santorum-- might claim they still have a chance but they don't have the staying power to beat Romney. Most Repubs may not like Romney but he is the least objectionable candidate, if only because he's neither a kook or a crackpot. At the same time it's clear that Romney can only win the Presidential election if there's an economic downturn and/or a foreign policy debacle.

The GOP has been having a Leadership defecit ever since the late 80's. They have become the Bush dynasty party (word is that if the Repubs lose this year's Presidential race Jeb Bush will become the GOP front runner for 2016). Their crude anti-government ideaology has not only left them without policy ideas, it has also turned them into flunkies of corporate interests.

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