Friday, March 9, 2012

And Who Are You Claiming To Be?

Part of the fall out from the kerfuffle over contraception coverage is that Timothy Dolan, the obese buffoon who calls himself the Archbishop of New York is now calling for a "freedom of religion battle." Which sounds funny considering how the Roman Catholic Church itself has always been one of the biggest enemies of religious freedom. In fact considering that the RCC has a pretty squalid record of intolerance, torture, murder--genocide actually-- and of course pedophilia you'd think they would just shut up and not draw attention to themselves.

But the Catholic bishops now seem to be taking the position that "religious freedom" means that they only have to obey the laws that they agree with. These clowns need to understand that religious freedom is the right to worship and nothing more. Religious freedom doesn't give anybody the right to commit human sacrifice and cannibalism any more than the Fundamentalist latter day saints have the right to conduct marriages with underaged girls. Unless the RCC is going back to the position that they don't have to obey any "earthly" authority which is what got them into trouble in the first place.

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