Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rock and Roll is Dead and I Don't Feel So Good Myself

The Repub primary campaign is effectively over with Mitt Romney the winner. Surprise!
Attention is now shifting to the Repub sideshow, which includes various freaks like Ted Nugent. Nugent was a third tier rock musician from the 70's who became a gun nut after his career fizzled in the 80's. Lately he's emerged in a series of reality shows and most recently spoke at an NRA convention urging acts of violence against President Obama.

I like free speech as much as everyone else but even I draw the line at making violent threats against people. Some would argue that Nugent is showing the effects of too many mind altering drugs back in the 70's. In any case he's a bigger embarrassment than Ozzy Osbourne and Steven Tyler put together.

The sad part about this is that young people are getting the impression that rock and roll is the music of middle aged white reactionaries. Tempus fugit and all that I guess.

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