Thursday, May 24, 2012

When Will They Ever Learn?

The Facebook IPO, which was the most anticipated event of the season, has turned into a fiasco. Not only is the stock falling in price but now investors are suing Facebook and lead underwriter Morgan Stanley, accusing them of hiding weak growth forecasts. Same old same old, the history of every financial bubble. Remember the tech stock mania of the late 90's? Any company that could put up a website would then go "Public" and become instant billionaires. Never mind that many of these companies had never actually made a profit. Then it all imploded in 2000. But the get rich quick crowd never learns. They keep chasing after one money making craze after another, as if there really were a magic box that can turn $100 into a million or a billion. These bozos would be better off buying lottery tickets, for all the good that does.

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