Thursday, July 26, 2012

Constitutional Problems

I like the U.S. Constitution but there are some parts of it that don't work anymore. The electoral college, for instance, which only allowed the worst two term president in our history to get elected. Then there's the two year term for the House of Representatives, which doesn't allow for long term planning. Another provision that has to go is the Second Amendment. The original intent, as most scholars would point out, was to allow for a colonial militia, not a blanket ability to own weapons. The need for state militias has been made obsolete by the permanenst army, the border patrol and the National Guard, which serves most of the remaining functions.

In today's hyper-polarized political problems like these can no longer be addressed or solved. The entire political process has been hijacked by well financed, media savvy interest groups who pervert the political process for their own interests.

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