Monday, October 15, 2012

Who's Up, Who's Down?

One way in which the corporate media managed to trivialize the public discourse is by reducing politics to a kind of spectator sport. That's the reason why I no longer watch political shows like "This Week" or "McLaughlin" because of that annoying tone of "who's up who's down" like they were talking about the play-off standings. This was especially evident during the discussion of last week's debate between Vice President Biden and Paul Ryan. There's a concensus the Vice-President won the debate by forcing Ryan to get specific about what the Repubs intend. President Obama would be well advised to adopt this strategy at his next debate with Romney.

Another curious thing is how many right-wing pundits like Greta Von Susteren were complaining about how "mean" Biden was. We all know how bullies react when their intended victims fight back.

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