Friday, January 11, 2013

Shut the $#* Up Already!

The newest stupidity from the Neo-Conservatives, the same people who brought us the disaster in Iraq and all it's consequences, including the economic mess we're in. It's funny how the Neo-cons for all their intellectual pretensions,never seem to get the point. Their recent campaign against the nomination of ex-Senator Chuck Hagel is a case in point. The Neo-Cons accuse Hagel of being an "Anti-Semite" because he had made statements supposedly "insensitive" toward Israel. Yeah right.

On the one hand, this just might be partisan spite, like the shooting down of Susan Rice. On the other, the Neo-Cons can't let go of their obsession with Iran. If they can't push the Obama administration into a war with Iran, they can create a climate in which the next Repub president can find an excuse to go with Iran. Attacking Iran, will do nothing to stabilize the Middle East. It will only make matters worse, bogging us down in another quagmire. Neo-cons are a good example of idiots who have convinced themselves of their cleverness.

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