Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Send Them To Waziristan!

This is the tenth anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and that country was hit with a new wave of bombings that left 60 people dead. Al Qaeda claimed responsibilty, which shows that invading Iraq did nothing to put that group out of commission. In fact, the entire Middle East is actually less stable. The sacrifices we made-- 5000 dead, and 32,000 wounded, as well as nearly 1 trillion dollars were for nothing. Well, the was did "accomplish" one thing; it got GWB his second term. But only an idiot would argue that invading Iraq made the Middle East either more peaceful or democratic.

The appalling thing is that there are still those who defend the invasion in Iraq. Listening to their arguments is a sickening exercise in "counter factual" thinking. But even worse is how many of these people are still taking seriously as "pundits," how they continue to push for war against Iran, for instance. All these neo-conservatives should be rounded up and flown to Waziristan. See how their bombastic mania goes over there.

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