Monday, September 30, 2013

Irresponsible Government Will Be the End of U.S.

It's odd how people who are always preaching about "personal responsibility" will hide behind every excuse in order to avoid responsibility for their own actions. The federal government is just hours away from another shutdown. House GOPers are doing this in an ultimately futile attempt to shutdown what they call "Obamacare." In doing so they are risking an economic disaster of unforeseeable consequence. The only good sign is the stock market is falling. Maybe the big financial interests who control the GOP will call the Repub leadership and tell them to stop their foolishness. The disadvantage that President Obama and other leaders have is that they try to act in the interests of all the people. The Repubs on the other hand only act in the interests of those who vote for them and the special interests who finance their careers. The question is, which tendency will come out on top.

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