Monday, November 11, 2013

Last Week's Elections

Last week's show some sign of optimism, maybe. Chris Christie was re-elected governor of New Jersey, which isn't all that great, except that Christie is now considered a "moderate" in the GOP. Compared with the likes of Ted Cruz, he sort of sounds like that. Christie originally came to office as a Tea Party blow-hard( and he's still a blow hard) except that when Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey, Christie had to admit that there was a use for the Federal Government after all. That didn't sit to well with hardcore Tea Partiers.

Of greater interest is Terry McCauliffe's victory in Virginia. It seems that Old Dominion voters weren't to happy with the GOPer shut down. Also, Ken Cuccinelli, the extremist GOPer candidate offended a lot of women voters. McCauliffe's victory provides clues to how the Democratic party put together a winning electoral coalition. Question is whether they will do so.

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