Tuesday, October 28, 2014

No Good Choices?

With a week to go before the midterm elections, I suspect that, whoever wins or loses, the real story for 2014 will be how the political discourse finally became incoherent. Consider, for instance, the Senate race in Iowa where GOPer Joni Ernst seems to be ahead. Ernst is a typical Tea Bagger, a paranoid gun fetishist who nevertheless is ahead because of her defense of social security. I hesitate to heap praise on someone like Ernst but I have to say that she offers a more active defense of social security than some Democrats. Does that seem weird? No weirder than when the Obama administration proposed cutting Social Security in the name of savings. It's unfortunate that the President has surrounded himself with Wall Street and Beltway insiders and has become increasingly isolated from the people who voted for him in the first place. If the Democrats lose, it will be because people don't buy the way the talk a lot of "New Deal" nostalgia on the campaign and behave like GOPers when they get elected.

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