Tuesday, April 21, 2015

America Really Does Have a Problem

The town of Parma Missouri has just elected Tyrus Byrd, an African-American woman, as mayor. As a result 5 out of the 6 police officers resigned as did city attorney, clerk and water treatment supervisor. The reasons are not yet clear, but does racial bias have something to do with it? Those of us who thought that the election of Barack Obama as President would mean, if not the end of racism, but the end of race as a political issue, have been appalled by how much racism their is in this country. Not only that, but how many people cling to the myth of "American whiteness," as the center of their identity and worldview. The Tea Partiers who claim that they want "their" country back (from whom?) are the latest manifestation of a mental disease that has been plaguing this country's culture since before the civil war.

Here's the thing; the more we keep arguing about race the less time we have to talk about anything else. We don't talk about economic inequality, the environment, or trade policy. For those of us who grew up in the 60s and 70s, when it seemed that America was putting behind racism, it is shocking how this country "back slided" into racism. It is a cancer that keeps recurring.

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