Monday, May 4, 2015

Carly Fiorina: A Whole Lot of Nothing

Carly Fiorina, the ex-CEO of Hewlett-Packard, is now seeking the GOP nomination for President. Just to recap, while Fiorina presided over Hewlett-Packard, she engineered a merger with Compaq which caused a sharp drop in HP's stock value. She also fired 30,000 employees. Fiorina was so inept that many observers call her one of the worst CEOs of all time. Fiorina was ousted from HP in 2005, but she received a golden parachute of 20 million dollars.

Now Fiorina is touting her business "expertise" in her run for the White House. She claims that she "knows how the economy works," a line that didn't work for Mitt Romney in 2012. The rest of her speech was the usual bilge against "big government" and "bureaucracy." The same garbage that her generation imbibed back in the 80's. Fiorina represents a class that that has long passed from mere arrogance to delusional narcissism.

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