Monday, June 1, 2015

Hastert the Pervert

Dennis Hastert, ex staunch GOPer, ex-Speaker of the House (1999-2007), and prime example of genetic drift back into primate status. Since leaving politics, Hastert became a "high powered" Washington lobbyist and made a ton of money in the process. But now Hastert has been indicted for making illegal bank withdrawals which he used to pay over three million dollars to an "individual" with whom Hastert had a "relationship." The individual has not been identified, but is allegedly a male student with whom Hastert became involved when Hastert was a High School wrestling coach in Yorkville High School in Yorkville Illinois.

Hastert was always a despicable piece of humanoid garbage--even before we found out about this. This shows the GOP has sunk to the depths of moral bankruptcy. You almost run out of language to condemn these scumbags.

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