Tuesday, July 21, 2015

American Repub or the GOPer Factor

John Kasic, Ohio governor, is now the 16th contender for the GOP presidential nomination. The GOP race is starting to resemble one of the annoying tv talent shows. Ironically enough those kinds of shows seem to be losing favor with the public, as shown by the demise of both the X-factor and American idol. Just as a side not I tried to watch "SYTCD" and all I could think was, how can a show be that loud and gaudy but still be boring? And Cat Deeley has lost the ability to speak coherently.

The "talent" of the GOP race seems to be warmongering. Scott Walker now says that if he is elected President that he will bomb Iran on inauguration day. The GOPers have become the "War Party." It seems whoever wins the GOPer race will have to be kept out of the white house. Otherwise, something really awful is going to happen.

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