Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Omar Mateen--An American Not a Muslim

The recent shooting in Orlando Florida by Omar Mateen has brought out the usual shrieks from the Islamophobes. It happened just a few days after the killing of singer Christina Grimme by a lunatic who then committed suicide. What's the connection? That this country has an epidemic of maniacal killers with ready access to guns and ammunition. The Lone Shooter has become an "American Type," almost the symbol of this deranged country. It has become a tradition dating back to Lee Harvey Oswald and Charles Whitman, the original campus shooter (UT Austin 8/1/1966). These incidents have become so common that it only becomes "national" when the victim is a celebrity or the body count goes into double digits.

Much like the original "Night of the Living Dead," we are experiencing an epidemic of mass murder, committed not by zombies but by maniacs with access to guns and ammunition. The US will be the first major polity in history that will succumb not to outside invasion or meaningful political struggle, but to uncontrolled random violence with no intelligible motive.

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