Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Red Alert!

Amidst all the drama taking place in Washington, we are forgetting that the Trump administration is re-escalating the War in Afghanistan. According to military.com

"Mattis is expected to back the long-standing request of Army Gen. John Nicholson, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, for at least 3,000 more troops to battle the Islamic State and a resurgent Taliban."

John MCCain, the old warhead himself is incensed that that the administration doesn't actually have a strategy:

""We are now six months into this administration; we still haven't got a strategy for Afghanistan," he said. "It makes it hard for us to support you when we don't have a strategy. We know what the strategy was for the last eight years -- don't lose. That hasn't worked."

This as the US is drifting into a confrontation with Russia over Syrian. And there are still rumors about a possible war with Iran. Trump and the GOP have no strategy or plan, other than to keep waging war for its own sake.

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