Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Social Contract Revisited

This is an addendum to yesterday's entry. It is shocking that the ACLU took the side of the White Supremacists in allowing the march to take place. I think that the ACLU was in error. To the question "Aren't we supposed to tolerate other people's opinions?" The brings out the problem of people and groups who not only don't recognize the democratic process but who use violence to attain their ends.

I think that the test for acceptable conduct should be

1. Obeying the law

2. Respecting the rights of others.

What the Fascists in Charlottesville were doing wasn't demonstrating but committing acts of violence. There is no such thing as a "right" to deprive other people of their rights and there is no way that acts of violence can be defended as "free expression."

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