Monday, February 26, 2018

Katei Roiphe: "The New Twitter Feminism"

Katie Roiphe's article in the March 2018 issue of Harper's has exposed the twisted agenda and tactics of the #MeToo movement, especially its censorious and underhanded tactics. Roiphe relates how she was attacked by feminists just by daring to question them:

Before the piece was even finished, let alone published, people were calling me “pro-rape,” “human scum,” a “harridan,” a “monster out of Stephen King’s ‘IT,’?” a “ghoul,” a “bitch,” and a “garbage person”—all because of a rumor that I was planning to name the creator of the so-called Shitty Media Men list. The Twitter feminist Jessica Valenti called this prospect “profoundly shitty” and “incredibly dangerous” without having read a single word of my piece. Other tweets were more direct: “man if katie roiphe actually publishes that article she can consider her career over.” “Katie Roiphe can suck my dick.” With this level of thought policing, who in their right mind would try to say anything even mildly provocative or original?

Roiphe then goes on to name how many members of #MeToo are manhating psychopaths. In particular a certain Leah Finnegan who makes Twitter posts like:

i stand by my comments about the need for obamacare to cover castration."

It's interesting because Finnegan herself looks like the living image of vagina dentate.

It's clear that #MeToo, and maybe Feminism itself has been taken over by a nutter fringe. Hopefully, it will blow itself up soon.

Postscript: actress Heather Locklear ("Dynasty" "Melrose Place" "Spin City") was arrested Sunday night after attacking her boyfriend and a police officer. Is there a connection here? I'll have to think about it further.

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