Monday, April 2, 2018

Why Is the Left So Stupid?

A new twist in the tale of Julian Assange, the anarchist leak monger turned Trumper. Consider that I am on the receiving end of Trump's hatred, I hate Trump and anybody who supports him for any reason. Anyway, Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadoran embassy, claiming to be a "political refugee." Except that now the Ecuadorans have cutoff Assange's internet access. Too bad!

Anyway, in a group of "activists" including Pamela Anderson, Jacob Appelbaum, Noam Chomsky, etc. Funny thing is that Anderson calls herself a "feminist" yet she sees no contradiction in supporting a Trumper. To be sure Anderson never seemed like the sharpest tool in the shed. But the odd thing is that so many "intelectuals" have jumped on the Assange bandwagon. What's wrong with these people? It turns out that many of these guys are also fans of Carles Puigedemont, a/k/a
the Iberian Jefferson Davis. Could it be that leftists really aren't that smart after all?

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