Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Remember Claudia Gomez Gonzalez

Claudia Gonzalez Gomez was 20 years old, a Guatemalan migrant. She was murdered by the border patrol. The brutality of the Border Patrol and ICE, unleashed by Trump's racism, will add another bloody stain on this racist country. We also found out that ICE has lost track of nearly 1,500 children who have been separated from their parents. Truth is they don't have to build a wall. The world now hates American and wants nothing more to do with it.

Some good news: "Roseanne" has been cancelled. It turns out that Beast Barr referred to Valerie Jarrett, an official in the Obama administration, as a "moslem" and an "ape." It turns out that even ABC will only sink so far.

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