Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Don't Cry for the Catholic Church

The recent findings from Pennsylvania that Catholic clerics--300 priests--sexually assaulted 1000 victims over 70 years is sickening. The problem of course goes beyond Pennsylvania or even the US. Catholic pedophilia seems to have been a problems everywhere from Europe to Latin America to Australia. It would be a full time job to keep track of all the sexual abuse cases involving the Catholic church.

Let's remember that while this was going on the Catholic Church supporting every reactionary political cause:

*Leading the campaigns against abortion and contraception;

*Campaigning against the Equal Rights Amendment

*Promoting homophobia and transphobia.

The Catholic Church claimed to be some kind of moral arbiter, while engaging in sexual abuse on an almost systemic scale. Even those clerics who did not participate in the abuse must have known about it and participated in the cover up.

The Roman Catholic church didn't have "bad apples" but its entire crop was rotten; "by their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:16). The Catholic church is the bad tree, that deserves to be cut down.

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