Thursday, April 11, 2019

David Frum Goes Trumper

David Frum, the so-called inventor of the "axis of evil," has gone from Bushie to Trumper with an anti-immigration article in the Atlantic. Frum merely recycles the same lies and fallacies about immigrants while making it seem like he's adopting a "moderate" position. The reality is that immigration, both legal and non-legal, has been DECLINING for the last two decades. (Let us leave aside the question of why fewer people want to come to America--maybe no social safety net and random violence from white thugs.) Frum merely seems to be repeated the trajectory of the conservative movement. Conservatives have no ideas on domestic and foreign policy, and they can't even say they are the party of law and order, after how they have been covering up Trump's crimes. Thus the only thing conservatives have is appealing to xenophobia.

History shows that you don't appease racists--you fight them any way you can.

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