Wednesday, May 8, 2019

No Really, Stay the Hell Out of Venezuela

The Trump administration continues to fail in removing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The attempt to stage a "popular uprising" fizzled. Now Juan Guaido, the supposed hero of democracy, is now calling on the US to "intervene" (actually invade and install him in power). The Trump administration, anxious for a foreign policy "win", might very take the bait. The results will be probably be devastating for both the US and Venezuela, over the longer term. But the long term is a non-issue in today's politics.

Last week the NY Times published an article "Juan Guaidó’s Uprising Failed. What’s Next for Venezuela?" by Michael Shifter and Bruno Binetti. It is basically an argument for an invasion, which calls into question whether the NY Times really is a liberal organ. Shifter and Binetti repeatedly refer to Maduro as a "dictator," even though Maduro was actually won an election which was more fair and democratic than America's last presidential election. The situation in Venezuela is not the "failure of socialism" but rather a testament to the American ability to wage economic warfare. Nobody questions the American power to destroy--Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Haiti--though we have lost the right to say that we represent democracy.

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