Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Naomi Wolf:Crackpot and Charlatan

Naomi Wolf is a professional man-hater who keeps herself in the media spotlight in spite of being a preposterous liar. Wolf has a long history of making claims that are demonstrably false: such as that eating disorders kills thousands of women each year. Mostly recently, in her latest book she claimed that hundreds of men in Victorian Britain were executed for sodomy. It turns out that she misinterpreted the term "death recorded." The curious thing is that many people in the media treat this is a problem of fact checking. They seem to be willing to absolve the author in question of any responsibility for what she herself writes. She justifies her falsifications with what has become the standard feminist excuse: "my truth." It should come as no surprise that the latest generation of feminists, the MeToofers, have adopted the same tactic of falsification and insistence that their demands come before the rights of anybody else.

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