Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Yes, Begin Impeachment Proceedings

To much has been made about Robert Muller's appearance, but Muller was always more of a bureaucrat than an advocate. But let's look at what we have on the Trump administration so far.

*Paul Manafort-Trump's campaign chairman convicted on tax and campaign fraud

*Rick Gates-Manafort's deputy pleading guilty to conspiracy against the US

*Michael Cohen-Trump's lawyer, guilty of tax fraud and bank fraud

*The shady Trump Tower meeting of 6/9/2016 involving Donald Jr. and Jared Kushner

*Everybody knows that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election and continue trying to interfere in American elections.

Under any other circumstance these facts would indicate conspiracy (not "collusion.") House Democrats should proceed with impeachment hearings against Trump. In 1998 House Gopers impeached Bill Clinton over a lousy blowjob. Donald Trump is obviously guilty of something worse. But what if Senate GOPers block impeachment? Let them be seen covering for Trump's crimes and see what happens.

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