Thursday, October 3, 2019

Justice at Last?

Amber Guyger, ex-Dallas cop, was convicted of killing her African-American neighbor and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. It is extremely rare for a white cop to be convicted of killing a black person, as we all know. Maybe Guyger's crimes was too egregious: she barged into the victim's (Botham Jean) apartment because she thought it was her own. How idiotic is that. Guyger's sense of white privilege is so enlarged that she thought she could get away with killing a black man. And Yes, Amber Guyger is a racist. She made racist text messages, including one in which she disparaged the observance of Martin Luther King day, writing that participants should get "pepper spray in the genital area." Guyger mad several other such messages, which explains what her motivation was.

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