Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A New Wannabe Fuhrer

Nick Fuentes has emerged as the newest wannabe racist fuhrer of the altright. Fuentes, who is 21 years old, spews the typical rash of racism, anti-Semitism and islamophobia, which utters with increased shrillness. He also advocates violence against anyone he doesn't agree with. Information on Fuentes is scarce. According to an article in Wikipedia (in Spanish) Fuentes claims he dropped out of Boston University after receiving threats. In an interview with The Tab Fuentes admitted he is "25 percent Mexican" and justifies his position by all kinds of illogical gobbledygook (ie. by quibbling about the definition of "race.)

Perhaps we should stop using the term racism and instead use the term bigotry, because it is more generalized and inclusive.

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