Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Kobe Bryant and the Bullshit of MeToo

The tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter over the weekend has produced an outpouring of grief. Not only from fans but from people in all walks of life. What people are going to remember about Kobe Bryant are his positive contributions in addition to his athletic prowess.

The only exception are from the feminist media, who are digging up an old rape accusation that everybody except them had forgotten about. The accusation did not even support an indictment let alone a conviction (reminiscent of the Woody Allen case.) This shows how the MeToofers are a bunch of narcissistic, solipsistic jerkasses.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

No Hillary Clinton, This Isn't About You

In an upcoming documentary Hillary Clinton lashed out at Bernie Sanders:

"He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it."

HRC also won't commit to supporting Sanders if he wins the Democratic nomination. It's hard to see why HRC would revive her feud with Sanders. She only sounds petty, spiteful and obtuse. HRC has learned nothing from the 2016 campaign, and merely blames everyone and everything but herself. Or maybe she still believes that the Democratic party is her personal property. Maybe it's time we showed her the door.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Rock n Roll Was the Devil's Music

Rock n' roll was the devil's music in the figurative sense. It was one of the cultural trends of the past half century that led us to the hole were in today. Rock n' roll promoted a lifestyle of hedonism and consumerism. It was based around the worship of stars who engaged in anti-social and even criminal behavior. No wonder its listeners turned into oafish morons who never grew up mentally. Of course, the rock culture also promoted widespread drug abuse, across multiple generations. The funny thing is that when they are white we are supposed to feel sorry for them. We are supposed to feel sorry for a "working class" that doesn't actually work.

Rock started out as another white misappropriation of African-American culture. Unlike Jazz, which became an art form, rock never amounted to more than drivel. Maybe we should burn down the rock n' roll hall of fame and everything in it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Trump the Terrorist and Warmonger

Trump's assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani is ultimately a cheap political stunt to make himself look tough for the election. It actually shows how he and his gang are nothing more than criminals. Trump doesn't have any real foreign policy accomplishments to point to so he decided to start shooting missiles (in compensation for his limp penis.) Who ever believed that Donald Trump was a man of peace? Only a few idiot pacifists whom we can now ignore.