Thursday, January 16, 2020

Rock n Roll Was the Devil's Music

Rock n' roll was the devil's music in the figurative sense. It was one of the cultural trends of the past half century that led us to the hole were in today. Rock n' roll promoted a lifestyle of hedonism and consumerism. It was based around the worship of stars who engaged in anti-social and even criminal behavior. No wonder its listeners turned into oafish morons who never grew up mentally. Of course, the rock culture also promoted widespread drug abuse, across multiple generations. The funny thing is that when they are white we are supposed to feel sorry for them. We are supposed to feel sorry for a "working class" that doesn't actually work.

Rock started out as another white misappropriation of African-American culture. Unlike Jazz, which became an art form, rock never amounted to more than drivel. Maybe we should burn down the rock n' roll hall of fame and everything in it.

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