Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bristol Palin: A Portrait in Hypocrisy

Bristol Palin, America's favorite unwed mother, is about to hit the speaking circuit. Her message:
"Regardless of what I did personally, abstinence is the only 100% way you can prevent pregnancy." No kidding! In the meantime the sperm donor involved, a high school drop out by the name of Levi Johnston, posed for Playgirl. So much for traditional family values!

If Bristol Palin had black skin or a Spanish surname, she wouldn't be lionized by the media in this fashion. She certainly wouldn't be getting paid $30,000 per appearance. Let us remember that for the past three decades we've been suggested to a barrage of right-wing propaganda about the dangers of "illegitimacy" which rightist opinion makers blame for everything from street crime to the federal deficit. The stereotype of irresponsible, oversexed behavior among minority groups somehow seems acceptable when whites engage in the same behavior. The racism of the right keeps coming out in the most embarrassing ways.

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