Saturday, May 15, 2010

Arizona The New Mississippi

The racists who run Arizona, including Governor Jan Brewer and the so-called Superintendent of Education Tom Horne, have approved a new measure that bans the schools from teaching "ethnic solidarity." But of course Brewer and Horne and their ilk are themselves are pandering to "ethnic solidarity:" that of whites against hispanics.

Brewer's other "accomplishments" include repealing Arizona's domestic partners act and eliminating the children's healthcare program, which left 310,000 children without healthcare.
If Brewer had any human decency she would admit that she is an incompetent politician and not even bother to run for office. But like all other sleazy race baiting politicians, from George Wallace to Pete Wilson, she panders to racial hatred just to keep herself in power. It does matter who its directed against--it could be African-americans in the past, Hispanics today, some other group of people tomorrow-- it is bigotry pure and simple.

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