Friday, November 5, 2010

Consensus Sucks

The failure of the Democrats in the past election is largely due to a misguided search for consensus. Barack Obama wasted his first year in office trying to achieve a "Post-Partisan" consensus, and he persisted even though it should have been obvious by the latter half of 2009 that the Repubs weren't interested in cooperating and basically wanted to hang him from a tree.

Unless of course people voted because of a misundestood memory of the 1990's. This line of thinking might go something "But didn't a Democratic President and a Republican congress lead to the prosperity of the era?" It is important to remember that the relative prosperity of the 90's occurred because the Democrats raised taxes and cut the deficit during 93-94. Congressional Democrats committed political suicide and the Repubs reaped the benefit. Let's not forget all the partisan wrangling of the era--low points of the government shut down , Monica Lewinski, and Whitewater, the scandal that never happened. The situation of the next two years won't be any better, and it might even be worse.

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