Monday, November 22, 2010

Obama and the Dangers of Appeasement

Perhaps Barack Obama's biggest personal weakness is an exaggerated tendency to cater to what is perceived as "White Opinion." It seems to have motivated his decision to appoint the so-called Deficit Reduction Commission as if to say "Hey, I'm not a tax and spend liberal." The Commissions recommendations of steep cuts in every program including Social Security will get nowhere. Neither will Congressional Repubs approve any reduction in farm subsidies. So the whole thing is ultimately a waste of time.

Obama fundamental mistake was to try and govern on a post-partisan, post-racial basis. It might seem admirable, in the abstract, but he should have realized, by the end of 2009, that the Repubs only wanted to hang him from a tree. So the question now is, will Obama confront the Repub House and can he win? Bill Clinton, who let's face it had all the fighting instinct of an apple fritter, ultimately had to stand up to Newt Gingrich. Obama, if he wants to have any success, had better get ready to fight.

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