Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Plot Thickens and Sickens

New revelations keep appearing in the Murdoch scandals. Indications are that the Murdochs might have known about the phone hacking that was going on, in spite of their denials. Murdoch might have thought that all he had to do was throw underlings Coulson and Brooks to the dogs, but the scandal refuses to go away.

The thing about Murdoch is that he came to prominence proffering a phony populism. He made a big show of taking on the "establishment;" politicians, celebrities, the royal family. In reality, though, he was trying to gain influence with that very same establishment. The fakery went both ways of course. Conservatives who are constantly yammering about "values" and "principles" hitched their wagons to Rupert Murdoch, who has neither values nor principles.

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